I work in a BPO industry and we're changing teams/shifts next week. This calls for different people to work with as others are moving to different teams.
To celebrate the good times we had in the team, my team asked me to join them in a "food trip", a long overdue plan at C' Italian in Friendship Avenue in Angeles City. I have been in this restaurant a couple of times with different set of friends and family. I even had a double date in its garden while a band was playing and stars are glowing. Romantic, huh? LOL.
Pictures are essential while dining out nowadays. Especially for me who wouldn't want to miss moments and pictures of good food. So, while ordering and waiting for JB and Jlyn and the food we ordered, I took time to take pictures. Forgive me for the low resolution of the pictures. I was experimenting on my camera and used the 3200 ISO. LOL.

Our first set of orders - Panizza Kristina @ P655 on the lower right side and Panizza Millionario @ P695 on lower left side. The usual bread and pesto dip was served just like any other Italian restaurants here. Extra order of Alfafa and Arugula is P99. You may be wondering what's on the upper right side of this picture. Well, wonder no more, as that is just my panizza strip filled with alfalfa and arugula, rolled and bitten. LOL

Spaghetti Con Fruitti de Mare (Fruit of the Sea) @ P590 and Gnocchi Bolognia @ 750. It was my first time to try gnocchi so I wondered how it tasted. I loved it! I want anything starchy and soft and "tomatoey". LOL. Wikipedia says " Gnocchi (English pronunciation: /ˈnɒki, ˈnjɒki/; Italian: [ˈɲɔkːi]; N'YO-kee; singular gnocco) are various thick, soft dumplings. They may be made from semolina, ordinary wheat flour, potato, bread crumbs, or similar ingredients. The smaller forms are called gnocchetti."

Risotto Kristina @ P720. If there's one dish that I love to eat in Italian restaurants, it's risotto. Told ya, I like anything starchy. My mind is whispering and telling me it's actually anything carbo. Hahah! On the right side of the picture are strips of the two panizzas.

Pictures of us. This is another wonderful experience at C' Italian. Again, I wasn't disappointed so are the first-timers here. :D

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