Until I realized the reason for this! I drank two strong cups of two different flavors of coffee (cappuccino and mocha) from our canteen's coffee machine. Whew!
It was late afternoon of yesterday when I was feeling cold in the office and I wasn't bringing a jacket nor a Pashmina. With such state, coffee and Chips Ahoy popped into my mind as a snack amid my piled-up work. Yes, those two are tandem.

You can say, I am not a coffee-drinker, though once in my life I became addicted with coffee which I was able to overcome and never did try it again until recently when I discovered coffee goes well with sweets, a combination introduced by a close friend of mine. With that, I started pairing it with some of my baked goodies but only one stood out - my Food for the gods.
Without Food for the gods available, as this sweet is only baked when I am in the mood, Chips Ahoy is the answer. I salivate just thinking of those two pairs. It took me almost a month to get tired of Chips Ahoy and coffee. LOL. The calories have piled up! No wonder, one pair of jeans I was supposed to wear yesterday didn't fit me!
Looking at the picture of coffee above makes me want be a barista now. Haha! I always want to be someone. Huhu. By the way, those pictures are not mine. I got the picture of the coffee from this site which will show you more pictures of interesting coffee art so do check them.
It's funny that I chanced upon this site where I got the picture of Chips Ahoy. There's a description of this famous cookie that says "Made in America, (Not the Spanish version!), delicious 340g,(12oz), bags of the delicious Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Cookies." It makes me curious now on how the Spanish version tastes like. Hmm, I should request for that as Pasalubong on my sister's next trip to Spain. :D
Gosh! I really have to sleep now or else I can't report to work later. I am still not sleepy as of this writing and you, coffee and Chips Ahoy are the "culprit" but not for long!
Nite/Mawnin! :D