Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Curly or Straight? I love my hair!

I saw this cute video from Sesame Street posted on last night and thought of sharing it here.  I remember during my teen years, I would always wanted to have curly hair (well, until now as I haven't tried permanently curling my hair) but my mother would always contest on it and thus, wouldn't get what I want.

You see, my hair has always been so straight which I find boring.  I was one of the privileged girls who was blessed with long, silky, straight, black hair and I know it was the envy of anyone who has curly hair in my school then when hair iron and relax/rebond are not yet discovered.  If you will see my classmate's messages during the end of every school year, it was about compliments about my hair and  keeping it beautiful. What funny messages they are. Hahah!  It was like, that was all I have.  LOL.   There was even a time in my third year high school, when my hair was from a length up to the waistline, I had it cut in short in "one-length" style just right after my ears. Then my classmates and even schoolmates I am just got acquainted with would talk to me and tell me asking why I cut it short and didn't I regret doing it? Heheh! It has always been like that then.

As the years go by, I don't find myself  the only one who is blessed with beautiful, straight hair.  Now, women with curly hair, regardless of the degree of coarseness have their options to keep them straight.  Now, even hair stylists (as I am always asked if my hair was rebonded whenever I had my hair cut) couldn't even distinguish a naturally straight hair to a rebonded/relaxed one.  That's how great technology is.  :)

Today, it's just a matter of choice really.  But, I admire those who still keep their hair as it is and just style it.  I know we weren't blessed such hair type for no reason at all.  We just have to learn to appreciate it and carry it well.  :D


  1. Curly or Straight hair--- you still look gorgeous!! =)

  2. Thanks, sexy! You're really a friend. Haha! :)
